Wednesday, July 28, 2010

The Wonderful World of Marketing....or, am I a Big Sucker?

The other day I noticed on Facebook that a few of my friends had "liked" a certain beverage company and entered a contest for said company. I went to the beverage company's website and "liked" them and entered their contest. Later that day at the grocery store I found myself purchasing that beverage. Now, this was a beverage that I do actually like and do buy on occasion. Did the Facebook ad make me buy it? I found myself wondering that later in the evening. What makes us buy? Does anyone really know? The guy selling the newspaper is going to tell us that the newspaper is what makes us buy. The guy selling radio...well, you get the picture on that one.

There IS one thing that I know for sure...nothing sells like word of mouth. If a trusted friend tells me something is good, then it HAS to be good. Everyone has SOMEONE they trust. In our business, word of mouth has sold more than all of our advertising put together (sorry ad guys, this is just what has worked for us).

So maybe seeing that a friend on Facebook "likes" something makes me think differently about that company. You've got to admit, it's something to think about.

The times they are a changin', folks.

If you don't live or shop here, you will.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Some Rocky Hill LOVE...and BBQ!!

Well, I haven't written in a looooooong time, but I hope to start up again and get something going on here. Rocky Hill is hopin' people!! We just lost one place to eat, but it looks like it's getting some support and may open back up as a south KnoxVegas favorite. So, if you love Rocky Hill, start spreading this news!!!

Also, if you are a Rocky Hillian or a business owner in the 'hood. Let me know in the comments and start following the blog. I want to get Rocky Hill business owners more involved. EVERYONE around is organizing and coming together as communities to help keep dollars LOCAL. We need to be doing the same!!!!

If you don't live or shop will soon...