Friday, February 27, 2009

Are You Going Green?

Green, green, green. Is it a fad? I will admit to wondering about some of it. Honestly, there are as many stories against it as for it. It does seem a little funny that snow seems to follow Al Gore around these days. 

I can remember being a little girl in the 70's and hearing all about the "Energy Crisis". I didn't really understand much about it at that time. I remember a commercial telling people to push the gas pedal on their car as if there was an egg between their foot and the pedal. I tried to find that on uTube but couldn't... I also remember talk of turning out lights when you left a room. Then we got the '82 World's Fair in Knoxville, and suddenly everyone wanted a solar panel on top of their house. I don't know about you, but I don't remember too many stories about that working out well. 

Now everything is GREEN! I work in an industry where green is a big deal, so I have been studying up on it lately. Maybe this is the way to go? Now, I still think there is a bunch of trendy garbage out there associated with this green movement, but I'm starting to see the good in a lot of it. It looks like instead of just running PSAs about going green, people are getting organized. The building industry is a prime example. I'm just starting to really dig into this subject, so I don't know enough at this time to speak with any authority, but it looks like I will be learning more. I would love to know what others think about this. Feel free to comment!!!

If you don't live or shop will.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Second Friday Networking

I don't know if you guys listen to talk radio much, but my husband got me hooked on it. I enjoy it sometimes when I'm spending a lot of time in the car or working from home. It makes me feel like I'm not so isolated.

OK, anyway, that doesn't really have anything to to do with this post....Phil Williams from WNOX is on weekday afternoon drivetime. He is doing a thing now in connection with Everything West Magazine* called Second Fridays with Phil. This week it was a networking opportuntiy at Northshore Brasserie**. They had someone doing some small business seminars. I didn't have time to go to the seminar, but I did stop in and have a drink and mingle a little. I think it went pretty well. As I was driving up Northshore on my way there, Phil Williams was doing a commercial for a countertop company and talking about wanting an outdoor kitchen. So, I went in the door and gave Phil my card and told him to give us a call. In return, he gave me a little plug during the remote. Thanks Phil. That right there was worth the 45 minutes I spent hanging out at the bar. 

So, I did a little networking , had a cocktail, talked to some friends....all harmless. 

If you don't live or shop will.

* We advertise in Everything West and have been extremely happy with our results. Tom & Judy, the owners, are very small business friendly. They really go out of their way to make their advertisers happy. Give them a call and see what they can do for you. Tell them you heard about them from me.

**If you aren't eating here....what is WRONG with you. Northshore Brasserie is incredible! Brian & Stephanie are a brother/sister team who will make you feel like an old friend as soon as you walk in the door. We love them so much we spent Thanksgiving there eating some out of this world food. Check out their website. They have some great specials throughout the week.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Could it be?

What's this? Maybe it's not the end of the world after all? 

We own a nursery, and people have been pulling into the parking lot all week looking for spring flowers. Hey, I wish I had some to sell to them, but it's still February! This is east Tennessee folks. We could still have a 2 foot snowstorm. This could be a good sign...

Here's hoping we all have a great spring!!!

If you don't live or shop will.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Something to think about...

Have you guys heard this? What's it going to be like if Walmart is the only place in town? Is that what we want?

As business owners we need to fight back in every way possible. They may beat us on price, but we can beat them on everything else. We have the customer service, the attitude, the convenience, the ambiance. We have to convince the public that going to a big box isn't the way to get through hard times. It's time for true guerilla marketing!

As consumers we need to think twice before we shop exclusively with the big boxes. We need to introduce ourselves to other shopowners when we shop in their stores. They will return the favor. We need to be networking all the time. 

What are your thoughts?

If you don't live or work will.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Need a Reason to Shop Local?

Well, you sure had it yesterday! A snow day is a great reason to stay close to home and SHOP LOCAL! The snow was great for the local economy in Rocky Hill/Northshore yesterday. We went out driving around, and EVERYONE was out and about doing what needed to be done. The local guys who sell wood were delivering all over the place, the pharmacy was packed with people getting their medicine, Butler & Bailey....I won't even go there, but B&B had a GREAT day!!

Now...if you own a business, I hope you took advantage of all the people coming in. Did you offer superior customer service and tell people thank you for coming in? As business owners, we all need to remember to take advantage of anything that might bring in new clientele. 

Happy Snow Day!
If you don't live or shop will soon!