Sunday, July 8, 2012

Back to Rocky Hill

Owning a small business isn’t easy, but I know I’m preaching to the choir here. If you are reading this, chances are, you are a small business owner in Rocky Hill. Heaven help you if you are so bored you came across this blog by accident and started reading!! I haven’t posted on here in a long time because I’ve never been quite sure what we (the group of business owners in Rocky Hill) should do. I’ve wanted to organize some type of association, but honestly, I just don’t know how to go about it. The SHOP LOCAL movement is a big trend right now. Of course, it needs to be a lot more than a trend if we are to survive. I think that Rocky Hill is a great place for small business because so many people who live, work & shop here are owners themselves. I know that Bearden has it’s own business district association. They have First Tennessee Bank and the real estate company that manages many of the commercial spaces as sponsors. I’m sure that goes a LONG way in helping them with marketing costs. From the looks of what they are doing, it really looks to me like they are working with an agency? Does anyone know? Are any of you guys working with an ad agency or PR firm? Farragut has a SHOP LOCAL campaign, too. I noticed the other day that they have a Shop Farragut app now. 
The new Publix and Target will be a double-edged sword for most of us. We hope it brings in customers, but not just to their businesses. I think it will be good for us. I just think it’s important to make sure our neighbors remember to keep some of those dollars local. 
I would love to work with all of you on a SHOP LOCAL campaign for Rocky Hill/Northshore Drive corridor. Maybe we could plan a meeting/mixer to brainstorm? I know a lot of the business owners in the area, but not everyone. We all need to work on spreading the word. Let me know your thoughts. At one point I started a Rocky Hill Facebook page, but when they changed formats it went away. Maybe I should try to make another page, group, whatever so we could all see each other’s comments? Any input is appreciated. I’m not really sure what I’m doing at this point. I just think it’s something we should be doing. 
Missy Langley
Creekside Nurseries, Inc.
8718 S. Northshore Drive

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

The Wonderful World of Marketing....or, am I a Big Sucker?

The other day I noticed on Facebook that a few of my friends had "liked" a certain beverage company and entered a contest for said company. I went to the beverage company's website and "liked" them and entered their contest. Later that day at the grocery store I found myself purchasing that beverage. Now, this was a beverage that I do actually like and do buy on occasion. Did the Facebook ad make me buy it? I found myself wondering that later in the evening. What makes us buy? Does anyone really know? The guy selling the newspaper is going to tell us that the newspaper is what makes us buy. The guy selling radio...well, you get the picture on that one.

There IS one thing that I know for sure...nothing sells like word of mouth. If a trusted friend tells me something is good, then it HAS to be good. Everyone has SOMEONE they trust. In our business, word of mouth has sold more than all of our advertising put together (sorry ad guys, this is just what has worked for us).

So maybe seeing that a friend on Facebook "likes" something makes me think differently about that company. You've got to admit, it's something to think about.

The times they are a changin', folks.

If you don't live or shop here, you will.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Some Rocky Hill LOVE...and BBQ!!

Well, I haven't written in a looooooong time, but I hope to start up again and get something going on here. Rocky Hill is hopin' people!! We just lost one place to eat, but it looks like it's getting some support and may open back up as a south KnoxVegas favorite. So, if you love Rocky Hill, start spreading this news!!!

Also, if you are a Rocky Hillian or a business owner in the 'hood. Let me know in the comments and start following the blog. I want to get Rocky Hill business owners more involved. EVERYONE around is organizing and coming together as communities to help keep dollars LOCAL. We need to be doing the same!!!!

If you don't live or shop will soon...

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

No, I am not dead. Although I'm pretty sure I have no readers here anymore. Maybe if I post something and put it on Facebook and Twitter, I can get something going again. I suppose this will be an interesting experiment...well, here goes nothing.

Here's something that I am trying to get involved in right now. Shopping local is so important. I realize that if you have never owned a business you just don't understand how important it is to your local economy. Go take a look at the 3/50 Project. It is so interesting and really helps your local merchants. Times are tough all over right now. Keeping small business going in your community is SO important. It keeps your neighbors employed. It keeps your property values up. It simply makes your neighborhood a nicer place to be. I know sometimes you have to visit a "big box", but I can tell you right now, I don't want to live next door to one. 

I hope I can get some readers back. I would love to hear what other local merchants are doing to get a buzz going right now...

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Go Meet Some Great Guys

Everyone needs to check this out. The guys at Knoxville Overground are really doing a good job of connecting local "work-at-homers". If you work from home and would like to network, or if you need some office space occasionally. Give these guys a try. I've met them and they are SUPER friendly!!!

If you don't live or shop will soon.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

There's a Sucker Born Every Minute

Well, I guess I have to admit it...I have fallen prey. I'm not saying that I am above such things, but...I guess I am saying that I thought I was above such things. I don't consider myself a marketing genius by any means, but I do really make an effort to be aware. I actually think it's kind of fun. I make fun of my husband and daughter as they are sucked into every info-mercial on television. If I didn't watch them closely, the checking account would constantly be cleaned out due to "As Seen on TV" products. 

Anyway, here's what happened to me...the other day I had about 15 or 20 minutes to spare. My daughter and I stopped by the bookstore because I had been wanting to get a book on retail that I had heard about. I couldn't remember the author's name but I knew generally where the book should be and thought I would give it a shot. I go in and start scanning the business books, and low and behold....I'm attracted to the green books. Now by green I don't mean the books talking about the green industry, I mean literally the green books. This is something that I have been making fun of, marketers of everything from cereal to motor oil putting a green colored label on their product so the consumer will get the impression that the product is superior. Here I better than a sheep. 

I hope that I am able to take this experience and learn from it. What do you guys say about this? Take a look in your pantry, or look at the magazines you've purchased recently. Is there a color trend? Don't let me be the only sucker out there!!!

If you don't shop or live will.

Monday, March 16, 2009

The Promised Review!

Well, first I really have to tell you guys I am sorry. I promised a while back that I was going to give you a book review, and I have been a real slacker. I haven't REALLY been a slacker because I have been very busy with work, which is a good thing, but I have been a slacker as far as reading great books goes. So here goes, my first official book review. 

Here's the back story ('cause it's kind of funny). Not long after I started my blog I got an email from a publisher asking me if I would review one of their new books. "What?" I said, "Are you kidding me? There's nothing in this world I would rather do than review a book!!" If my only job in the world was to sit around and read books, I would be one happy camper!! My husband makes fun of me because I'm either reading on the internet or reading books. I love to learn new things and every time he asks me a question that I don't know the answer to I'm looking it up and reading about it. I can spend an entire afternoon just hanging out at the bookstore. So when I started a blog and then got a free book in the mail to talk about....well, he thought he had lost me forever. But then a funny thing happened, it got warm and the business got busy! I couldn't read my book! Then he started asking me about it every day. "Have you reviewed your book?" I kept telling him I was getting to it....So here's my first review:

I'm an East Tennessee girl through and through. My parents were both born here. My father's parents were born here. My mother's parents were born in Georgia and Texas but were proud to call Tennessee their adoptive home. I've thought a few times of leaving, just to see what else is out there, but I don't think it's going to happen. We really have it all here. Just look at all of the University of Tennessee students who come here for school and never leave. 

William E. Hardy is a doctoral student at the University of Tennessee. He got his bachelor and master degrees from the University of Louisville, so I'm not sure if he is one of those transplants, but I think East Tennessee is in his blood now. According to the book jacket, he is a grant manager for the East Tennessee Historical Society. Now he has written a book titled, "Historic Photos of Knoxville". At first glance this looks like a really good coffee table book...then you open it up. Wow! What a wonderful pictorial history of our "Scruffy Little City". 

When you've lived here all of your life you feel like you've seen most of the pictures of Knoxville, but this book has some unusual photographs that I dare say haven't been seen in years. My 11 year-old daughter has really enjoyed the book, too. So, if you're new to Knoxville this is a great way to learn some history. If you've lived in Knoxville your whole life....I don't have to tell you, you already understand.

The history starts is 1859 and works its way up to 1982. That's a lot of history for one book. Don't expect a lot a background to go with the shots. I don't think you would be able to pick up the book if it had a story to go with every picture!! After all, this book is a history in PHOTOS, not words. Having only the photos is a great conversation starter, especially if you have someone older in your group. 

Well, I hope you enjoyed my little review. I hope some of you order "Historic Photos of Knoxville". I don't think you will be disappointed.